Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Heart's a wonderful thing

The heart is the only organ that exists in a literal and figurative sense (except for the ass, but let me continue this more romanticized allegory). It's the bellwether of our bodies and simultaneously the seat of our emotions. Not only does it spread that life-giving blood, but those emotions and feelings that make us uniquely human spring forth from it as well.

The more I've studied the heart this year, the more in awe I become. It's so incredibly complex, but the way it acts is so logical and precise. Like clockwork, it contracts and delivers that blood day and night. The conduction system is so in sync with the contractile aspects of the heart; it just amazes me.

Plus, it takes so much abuse and can keep on ticking. I thought about this yesterday: I just cut open a rat, blood was everywhere. Immediately, the rat's body goes into respiratory throes, as ischemia takes hold. Next I distend the aorta and cut it. Then I take it out of the cavity with surgical, but imprecise cuts. I throw it in this solution which is essentially just sugars and salts. Next, I attach the aorta to this glass cannula and perfuse it with an artificial solution that is just dextrose, albumin, potassium, and sodium salts. And barring infrequent tachycardia, it keeps beating! Thank God our hearts are so hardy and can take this kind of abuse. Why appease our stomachs with fatty foods and risk our heart's well-being? What good does that no-good organ do? I think we have our priorities wrong and take our hearts for granted.

When we can't help it, such as in congestive heart failure, the heart finds a way to be as viable as it can be until things start going south. Remarkably, the beginning stages of heart failure can be construed as a good thing. Our heart muscle gets bigger, the same thing happens in marathon runners. But then the stress of all that beating takes over and the heart can't take it anymore.

As nerdy as this may sound, I love studying this stuff. I genuinely do. I'm glad I picked this over my second choice: the kidneys. Blech!


Anonymous said...
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i must break you said...

No, I just disapprove of people who predicate their criticism of what I have to write on my race. I had to delete your post because I said in my retort post that I'm not going to bring the Boston post up again.

It's apparent that no-one can offer a critique that doesn't involve homophobic and racially-insensitive slurs or even offer a shred of intelligent discourse. The topic is closed because 10 anonymous posters failed the criteria I set out.

If you want to criticize what I write in my blog, you have only two options: 1) either write something intelligent devoid of bringing up my race or 2)don't post at all. The ball is in your court, idiots.

Thanks for pointing out that I'm a dork. You've stated the obvious. The difference is that I'm a dork who will accomplish something meaningful in life, while most of you will piss away your time and then wake up 60 years old. All the while you'll wonder what you did with your pathetic lives.