Monday, December 17, 2007

Proving my point

So I wasn't expecting the deluge of comments from the previous post. Sorry (genuinely) for misstating the facts about the NBA championships, but the rest of the points are still valid. It's funny how those comments just prove my point about classless Boston fans and also the problem of micro-racism in this country, to which I alluded to in a previous post. I was born in England (not Bangladesh or Pakistan as one person said), you NEW England people. Your guys' region got your namesake from the country I was born in.

Plus, it's SPORTS! If my team wins, it makes me happy. But it isn't life or death and I'm not going to fling racist remarks at people if my team loses. Plus, I like how people are criticizing my English on a blog, which is supposed to be a stream of consciousness activity anyways, not a college paper. I have a higher SAT verbal or SAT Writing score than 99% of the people in this country. Again, you're looking at the color of my skin and passing judgment. The moment people said something prejudiced; you people lost and I won.

Funnier still, some people did not read the entirety of the post. I do a fair amount of patting Boston on the back. For example, I LAUD Tom Brady. I don't diss him at all, you idiots. Furthermore, I say that the Patriots going undefeated is a GOOD thing for football.

So I'll concede I made a mistake on the celtics thing, but all you hate-mongerers lost your credibility, not me. That's all I'm going to say on the matter because I'm not going to waste my time on you cretins.

As an addendum, the only critique that's allowed is one that is intelligent and doesn't involve cursing people out and flaming. This is my blog, and I set the rules here. If you can't adhere to that rule, then you forfeit the right to post; it's that simple. Because 10 people failed those criteria I set out, the Boston topic is closed for discussion.

Here's another solution for you thickheaded morons: DON'T READ MY BLOG if you think the topics are dorky and/or random. The title of the blog says it's about random, weird stuff so you have no right to complain in that regard.

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