Monday, May 12, 2008

Wedding season...tally ho!

I have now been a good year out of college and so have many of my high school classmates and college friends. Not surprisingly, I have received a glut of wedding invitations or news of impending engagements as spring approaches. Although I expected as much, it is still somewhat eerie to hear of so-and-so getting married or engaged. I still see myself as a kid, albeit one who can live on his own and buy a drink.

Marriage is that first step into adulthood, in my view. Getting married irrevocably severs one from his or her youth. Suddenly, one willingly bears the cumbersome yoke of responsibility. One can tell based on my characterization that I am not keen on joining the ranks of married men anytime soon. There's too much to still see and experience. In addition, I'm nowhere close to being established in terms of my education. My conservative estimate is that marriage is atleast 10 years off. I'll gladly attend my friends's weddings, but I sincerely doubt I'll feel a twinge of envy or start to entertain thoughts of the "I should really start to settle down now" ilk.

That byproduct of marriage, kids, is even more unimaginable. How can a kid like me beget children? It's not only unimaginable, but also unconscionable for me. The only conclusion I have come to in this regard is that one child is enough (after seeing my parents struggle as they did with me and my brother). Give that one child all the resources in the world and watch him or her succeed is my philosophy. Let the Amish breed like rabbits.

In short, I'm sure married life WHEN I'M READY will be the most joyous part of my life. I'm not entirely utilitarian; I have romanticized beliefs about marriage. Until I possess the maturity however, I'll perceive it as the hefty burden best left for the future.

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