Thursday, May 8, 2008

Now it's just getting sad....

Oh, Hillary...

Your unrelenting tenacity is usually your best quality, but now it has become the bane of an entire party. Your motivation to stay in the race is to merely sate your ego. The glimmer of hope that did exist is now completely extinguished.

On that note, I commend Hoosiers for helping to put out that remaining ember. Hillary BARELY won a state she should have won handily. The process is dependent on beating expectations, not wins and losses. In this regard, Obama had an unqualified win. Hillary has no hope now short of mafia style whacking of superdelegates who defect to Obama (which will surely accelerate with the net result of Indiana and North Carolina).

In fact, things are so stacked against Clinton that her behavior has become curiously irrational. She claims to have "the best chance of beating McCain". Clearly this is a belief that the minority of primary and caucus voters believe as evidenced by the explicit results of the Democratic primary process and the gigantic gap in fundraising. The latter is especially telling as Hillary's biggest donor right now is Hillary Clinton (using that cushy 100 million dollars she accrued in the last eight years). The greatest irony is that Hillary is the candidate championing the blue-collar middle American and Obama is construed as an elitist.

No Hillary, it's not the punditocracy that's against you; it's the facts that are. It's beyond time to get out of the race and I hope the superdelegates join the chorus against her.

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