Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Partying like it's 1999

It's times like these I'm glad I have a cool boss. Only my boss would not only allow me to watch the Champions League final with my Mancunian heroes, but he also accompanies me for the 4 hour match! And what a game it was. After getting thoroughly dominated for the second half and during the extra periods, Manchester United won it on PKs after John Terry effed up the possible winning kick for Chelsea.

FINALLY, ManU has officially moved beyond that great team of 1999. Just a few years ago, things didn't look so good with a rising Chelsea, teams from other leagues ascending, and the dirty Malcolm Glazer takeover. Cristiano Ronaldo helps, but some savvy roster moves (eg - acquiring Carlos Tevez; although I personally would have preferred Fernando Torres) helped them get over the big hump. Good because I was tired of Carling Cups....

I'll be honest. I was a Ronaldo doubter in the beginning. I thought he was simply another diva who dribbled the ball too much and flopped at every chance. To watch his ascent into the best player in the world has been a joy and I now gladly admit that I was wrong.

Cheers to the new champs and may there be continued success.

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