Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sarkozy l'Americain

I've always been fond of Nicolas Sarkozy's unofficial nickname, translated to "The American". How apt for a President more Hollywood than European, more volatile than understated. Sure, the nickname has obvious negative connotations; but, ignoring the stereotype it draws from; it seems to apply. I'm no expert of French politics, but it appears that Sarkozy has been unsuccessful thus far in changing France's status quo. No-one expected him to change the business climate or erase racial tensions overnight, but I feel that photo-ops of him and Carla Bruni have been more plentiful than concrete steps towards business and societal reform.

In short, France desperately needs an injection of change, not more pictures of Sarkozy in Ray-Bans (although I have to point out, there is no man more chuffed in the world than Nicolas Sarkozy with Carla Bruni; I'd show her off as well).

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