Sunday, March 16, 2008

New York

On a better note, I just got back from New York. NYC was amazing, to put it plainly. This was my first time there since 1993. I should have gone there in 2003 for my senior year trip, but my classmates went white water river rafting in West Virginia instead(yeah, they're from Southern Indiana, please forgive them. If it counts for anything, I didn't go to WV in protest). There's such a vitality in New York. Everything from the hustle-and-bustle of Times Square to the hipness of Soho to the overwhelming diversity everywhere you go, it all had a profound effect on me.

I went to New York expecting people to be jerks. I was pleasantly surprised to find, on the whole, that people were pretty gracious and outgoing. I struck up random conversations with lots of people everywhere I went. Sure, they aren't as nauseatingly nice as Hoosiers, but that's fine by me. Perhaps East Coast elitism is a bit overexaggerated (except for people from Boston)...

One thing I must especially commend New York on: the public transportation is spectacular. Although it is a little on the dirty side, I never waited more than 10 minutes for my train or bus. It runs like clockwork and it's 24/7. In addition, you can use your ATM card to add value to the Metrocard. Take notes, CTA...

Sure, the cost of living is astronomical, but I understand why everyone wishes they were a New Yorker. It's certainly a special place.


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i must break you said...

thank you, spambot. And sorry I cannot subscribe to your blog out of principle. You see, I'm an Epson man unfortunately....