Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Just when you left her for dead...

I have to give props to Hillary Clinton: she's one resilient son of a bitch (yes, I know SOB doesn't apply to a woman, but you get what i mean by the expression). Apportioning delegates based on percentage of the vote is democratic, but a long and protracted struggle is now....becoming longer and more protracted. Meanwhile, John McCain is cackling in the corner and letting Hillary and Barack duke it out. John McCain can just sit back, fundraise, and ,most importantly, campaign for the presidency. Hillary and Barack are still campaigning for the nomination. You can immediately see the problem with this scenario for the Democrats.

A lot of my friends thought Hillary was done BEFORE the March 4th primaries. Although Barack capturing the lead in the delegates was huge, I didn't think Hillary would be done if she split Texas and Ohio. In addition, I didn't expect her to lose Ohio despite Obama's substantial gains. The demographics just overwhelmingly favor Hillary; trust me, I've lived in the heart of blue-collar Ohio in Cleveland for years.

In all honesty, I don't hate Hillary Clinton. I just favor Barack Obama. I think either candidate is better than John McCain when all is said and done. Actually, I don't doubt that Hillary can beat John McCain in a general election. But there is so much anti-Hillary sentiment with Republicans that I don't foresee her being successful with regards to any of her proposals. In contrast, Obama, in part due to his neophyte status, has a better chance of pushing through liberal legislation. There's no irrational vendetta against the guy like there is with Hillary. Is it fair? Of course not. In fact, I think most Republicans don't really know why they hate Hillary so much in the first place.

So we march on with neither candidate capable of a knockout blow. All I know is that I'm getting tired of this battle ("the most tired I've ever been" sic Troy Douglas Appel); someone please win already.

As an addendum, doesn't that pic just scream early 70s to you? What happened to Hillary? She went from a hippie wannabe to the most dedicated Lane Bryant pantsuits wearer ever.

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