Friday, March 28, 2008

HIllary, time to do what's best for the party

Dear Hillary Clinton,

The quiet chatter has steadily grown into explicit calls for your bowing out of the nomination process. You have every right to stay in this race; I wholeheartedly agree with you. But when you are putting your ego before the good of this country, you are being extremely selfish. You continue in this race and you will become the Nader of the 2008 election.

Numbers don't lie. Unless Barack decides tomorrow to snort crack on the speech podium, he will undoubtedly be the Democratic nominee. You need to win more than 60% of the aggregate vote in remaining states. Bear in mind, the only state you achieved this goal is Arkansas, where you were the first lady. Not even New York gave you that margin. In other words, your chances of pulling this out are basically nil.

So the only thing your campaign is accomplishing is polarization of the Democrats, which directly benefits a flawed candidate like John McCain. Additionally, around 30% of your supporters say they wouldn't vote for Barack Obama if he became the eventual nominee. Through dirty politicking (and admit it please. Since Ohio and Texas, that's what you have resorted to), you've engendered all this bad blood WITHIN YOUR OWN PARTY. Fast-forward to November and realize that McCain can run ads saying you, a bellwether of the Democratic party, support McCain as president rather than the party's own nominee. You're doing McCain's job for him, and some of the damage is irrevocable.

Now, I understand why you're reluctant to throw in the towel. The media basically settled around you in 2006. You had the cash, the resume, and the name recognition. Unfortunately, the dynamo of the century came out of Chicago to rain on your premature coronation.

Do what's best for the party and America. Don't give John McCain, aka Bush 2.0, a free pass until the convention.

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