Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Day One

Well, it appears I've only missed the blogging bandwagon by about a decade. Better late than never, I suppose. You see, I'm selective on the fads that I join. Facebook? alright I'll do it. Myspace? No thanks. Pogs? Sure! Pokemon? Not so much.

I'll spare the boring details, suffice it to say I am a pretty ordinary person who just recently became a college graduate. Yay! I've joined thousands of other individuals in our great country in that endeavor. One thing I must let the random people who will read this blog know one thing upfront: I like listing things. So I guess I'll kickstart this biatch with a list of some of my favorite things...(cultural references are, incidentally, the first thing on the list)

Favorite Movies:
1. ANY Martin Scorsese - He's my favorite American director. I've yet to find a film by this guy that I hate. Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, Raging Bull, The Departed, The Aviator....

2. North by Northwest - First of all, I have to say that Cary Grant is one of my favorite actors. This guy oozed cool in all of his movies. Albert Hitchcock equals movie gold as well. The story is convoluted, riveting, and has a surprisingly good sense of humor about it. How can you forget that crop duster scene or climbing Mount Rushmore? Plus, Eva Marie Saint...WOWZER!

3. The Great Escape - Hence the title of the blog...I've only watched it three times, but it's probably the best overall movie I've ever seen. Steve McQueen is a badass, plain and simple. It's the perfect guy movie and I don't think I'd ever get tired of watching Charles Bronson in his pre-Death Wish glory (i'm the deeger!)

Favorite Music:
1. The Smashing Pumpkins - Probably my favorite band. You either love this band or not, and I can see why Billy Corgan's voice can be enervating. The musicianship and hooks are there though. I refuse to believe that the reunion, by the way, is genuine until James Iha and Darcy (i'll take melissa auf der maur I guess) are back also.

2. 1980s music - I'm a sucker for synthesizers and balls to the wall music. Hence, my adoration for the tunes of the ostentatious decade. Back then, music was fun, not something dreary nor something lacking musical talent to perform (take any implications you want from that statement about music today). Van Halen, Phil Collins (yes, I said Phil Collins), GnR, Dokken, Michael Jackson...ahhhh musical bliss.

3. Led Zeppelin - As a guitar player, I don't really listen to lyrics when I hear a song. I pay more attention to the background. And for what it's worth, Zep has the best background guitar music of any band I've ever listened to. So you got that going for you, Jimmy Page, which is nice...

Favorite Random Stuff:

1. Inappropriate levels of alliteration - will probably become apparent from the musings in the blog
2. Medicine - Well, it's my intended profession so I'd better like it
3. Retro stuff - Something you can surmise from glancing at my list...old is gold

So there is the initial list for any person to pore over. I think my next post will be something more serious...even though being frivolous is so much fun.

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