Monday, July 28, 2008

Top things I'll miss from Chicago

1. My Friends, I haven't met a greater group of people in my life

2. Rush St. on a Saturday night

3. Gino's East Chicago-style pizza (Uno and Due are ok too)

4. Jogging by the lakefront

5. That fucking awesome skyline

6. Batman cleaning up the streets

7. Lincoln Park

8. Michigan Avenue

9. Ashkenaz Deli

10. Blackhawks games

11. Wrigley Field and Wrigleyville

12. Indian food on Devon

13. Evanston lakefront

14. Top of the Hancock and Signature Lounge

15. Navy Pier and Millenium Park

16. Jake Melnick's burgers

17. Drinks at the Drake (and trying not to stare at the classy, hot girls)

18. The lab (the people, not the work)

I'm sure there's PLENTY more stuff, but for now that pretty much encapsulates my amazing five years in this city. I hope to be back as soon as I can. For now, goodbye Chicago, you made me the man I am today.

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