Friday, July 25, 2008

Obama in Europe

So now Europe can join in the latest phenomenon to hit America: Obamamania. How eerie is it to see people waving, and not burning, American flags abroad? Anyways, Barack Obama just visited Germany where 200,000 people packed into Tiergarten Park to hear Obama deliver a cliched speech about the need for unity between America and Europe. Although I concur with that sentiment, I think Europe needs to show some wiggle room on the war on terror before we fall into each other's collective arms.

First of all, we can all agree that Iraq was a mistake. Atleast, Europe and the more enlightened half of America (which is now the enlightened 90%) have that common ground and I don't blame them for not sending troops there. However, I simply cannot comprehend why France and Germany, the strongest EU countries, are so reluctant to send troops to Afghanistan and other hotspots in the global war on terror. Afghanistan has suddenly seen a resurgence of the Taliban and a growing influx of jihadis from neighboring countries. It's unrealistic in today's world to keep paring down military expenses, especially if you are a supposed ally in the war on terror. Not to mention being so uncommittal. Say what you will about America, but atleast we have the balls to committ to something, whether it's just or unjust is a totally different question.

Regardless, Obama touched on the issue, but failed to drive it home to Europeans. Nevertheless, I commend him for not taking a scattershot approach to visiting Europe as Bush does. Bush deliberately visits countries outside of the Franco-German sphere of influence so he doesn't encounter dissenting viewpoints. I shouldn't be surprised when he utilizes the same strategy domestically. Obstinancy and closed-mindedness, qualities all presidents should have, right?

Anyways, the spirit of Obama's tour is dead-on, but I think the rhetoric needs to remain tough with regards to Europe. A certain level of ideology (but not demagoguery) will be necessary in regards to the war on terror. There is a black-and-white component to the WoT (again not to be confused with Iraq) and Europe should be mindful of that.

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