Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Like a phoenix rising out of the ashes...

So that old fart McCain managed to win New Hampshire. Hats off to him. The codger was left for dead this summer and somehow he clawed back for the win. I don't really support any of his major policy points, especially concerning Iraq, but anyone who prevents Mitt Romney from winning is ok in my book.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton squeaked out the win. The media is making a big deal out of Obama squandering a high single digits lead in the span of a few days. Here's what I think really happened. The polls lied. Somehow they overemphasized the bump from the Iowa caucus. Regardless, I don't think Barack should be too disappointed. He was getting destroyed by Hillary just a month ago AND he just barely lost at the primary. Often, these primaries are just about doing better than you're expected to do, not how you actually place. If everyone thinks you're going to get 4% of the vote, but you end up with 10%, in a way you're still a winner in the eyes of the public and the donors.

By this logic, that's bad news for Mitt. The guy should have won Iowa because of the sheer amount of money he put in to that campaign. He should have won New hampshire because Massachusetts is part of fucking New England. It was basically his backyard and the guy lost. He should be worried right about now.

In the coming weeks, it will be interesting to see how Barack fares in the Southern states. How will he do in South Carolina, for instance? Florida? Black voters seem to prefer Hillary so I'm wondering if white Southern voters are going to vote for the mixed race black man with the last name rhyming with Osama. And yes, I think American voters are really that stupid.

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