Sunday, August 12, 2007

Empty Nest

So my brother just got dropped off at Purdue for college. We'll see how it goes; hopefully it gives him a good dose of reality. More importantly, my parents now are all alone back home. Wow, that's weird to think of. They have zero hobbies so I'm wondering how they're going to cope with that. It will be interesting nonetheless. I told them "you guys always have the dogs", but I know they're going to be bored in that big ole house in the middle of nowhere in Indiana. It's unfortunate but everyone grows up eventually and becomes independent from the 'rents. So here is a list of things they'll start doing without us there:

1. Work, work, and work: My parents already work pretty long hours, but I've noticed that working is a pretty good alleviation for boredom. In this summer after college, my circle of friends and people I hang out with has shrunk to a pittance. Coupled with an apt. without AC and lack of cable tv, itt's been a pretty good motivator to work 12 hours a day. What else am I going to do? Hopefully, my parents don't work too hard, but I see this as a pretty large likelihood.

2. Rent more movies: My parents are closet movie junkies, but hate paying for stuff without my brother and I being present. So this is not very likely.

3. Read books: very unlikely. My parents hate reading for leisure.

4. get a new dog: My parents have been talking for a while about getting a new dog (actually just mom), but Silky is getting old and may need a "replacement" soon. We'll see where this goes but I wouldn't be opposed to it at all. It'd be kinda cool.

5. Get friends: My parents have zero interaction with people in the community. For doctors, they can be pretty callous, but I really wish they had friends with whom they could talk to and invite for dinner, etc.

I feel bad for them, but hey it had to start sometime. As long as my dad doesn't get a motorcycle or a Cadillac, I think they'll get through the midlife crisis okay.

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